Asia’s largest confluence of startups, VCs, investors and work tech enthusiasts at People Matters Startup Program offer a unique platform for startups to showcase their innovation, while getting first-hand feedback from investors and potential customers.
So far, over 1100+ Startups Enrolled and made a breakthrough in the HR Tech world, connected with founders and trailblazers, and received insights on their solutions, ideas and prototypes from 100+ mentors.
To give HR and work tech startups this ecosystem to learn, help them be at the forefront of change and give them a chance to connect with the key leaders in the HR and Work ecosystem, we are back with People Matters TechHR Startup Program. Apply Now to elevate your Startup to the next level!
Why should you apply for
the TechHR Startup Program?
Over 650+ startups have applied and made a breakthrough in the HR Tech world
Get visibility and face time with founders and trailblazers
Get a chance to present your idea/prototype to early adopters
Get a chance to network with business leaders & decision makers