Webcast: Gatekeepers to Role models: A guide to creating wellness-conscious managers
Gatekeepers to Role models: A guide to creating wellness-conscious managers
WEDNESDAY, MAY 18TH | 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Gatekeepers to Role models: A guide to creating wellness-conscious managers

Corporate wellness programs have become pivotal in improving employee well-being. Today they help address the physical, social, emotional, and financial well-being of the employees. Yet many struggle to find the right ways to keep employees engaged in their wellness programs. While companies are heavily investing in revamping their wellness offerings, the efficacy greatly depends on how impactfully managers and leaders create the mandate of wellness among their teams.

Managers play a major role in influencing the adoption rates of wellness programs. And with due cause. Employees need a manager’s support to create a thriving culture of wellness and sustainable behaviour change. From adopting wellness programs to normalising conversations on mental health and burnout, managers play a key role in ensuring employee wellness doesn’t end up on the backburner. To do this HR leaders need to work closely with managers to help them develop a wellness-first approach and support them to overcome challenges in prioritizing well-being.

To deliberate further on the topic and uncover what HR leaders can do to make wellness-conscious managers and help them build the right skills, People Matters and MediBuddy brings you this panel where we will delve deeper into the following:

  1. Best practices for creating an engaging wellness program
  2. The role of managers in the new hybrid world of workplace wellness
  3. Building middle managers to become models of well-being for their team members
  4. Challenges that managers face when championing the cause of wellness how they overcome them
  5. Leadership skills required to encourage and enable healthy behaviours around the office

Our Speakers
Dr Sunil Chandy
Dr Sunil Chandy

Chief Medical Officer, ITC India

Ritu Saxena
Ritu Saxena

Senior Vice President, Rewards, SBI Card

Rohit Chohan
Rohit Chohan

Head of Business, Corporate Labs & Consultations, MediBuddy

Our Partner: MediBuddy

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